We deliver ERP, HRM, CRM and BI solutions that create competitive advantages

ERP Management

Keeping focus – meaningful and sustainable investing.

Source: Äri-IT Sügis 2024 Author: Erko Tamuri, Board Member of BCS Itera   How can investments help companies remain competitive and achieve sustainable growth, even when focused on tax issues?   In the current turbulent environment, where the public space is filled with calls for a “tax festival” and all the steam in the daily […]


Why is co-operation between the Baltic States in business technology becoming more important?

Source: Äri-IT Sügis 2024 Author: Marek Maido, BCS Itera Marketing and Sales Manager   What or who is Proximity Group?   Expectations of Baltic companies in implementing technological change Currently, more than 4,000 Latvian and 1,000 Lithuanian companies operate in Estonia, while more than 1,200 Estonian companies are present in Latvia and more than 600 […]


Seasonal data forecasting using the R-forecast model

Source: Äri-IT Kevad 2023 Author: Arvo Sarapuu, BI Developer at BCS Itera In addition to the data forecasting model ARIMA, which is an extension of the R forecast, the SARIMA model, which takes seasonality into account, is also now in use.   R forecast is a widely known forecasting tool that employs the ARIMA (Autoregressive […]


Say hello to the new and versatile HRM4Baltics! Everything from personnel to payroll

Source: Äri-IT Spring 2023 Author: Merilin Aul, BCS Itera Project Manager Human Resources Management (HRM) serves as the cornerstone of every company. At the heart of HRM lies a well-developed HR strategy, yet the tools that facilitate the management of all field processes are equally vital.   In 2023 the HRM solutions landscape welcomes the […]


Which employee self-service portal to choose?

Source: Äri-IT Spring 2023 Author: Merilin Aug, BCS Itera Project Manager The practice of employees performing their daily work-related tasks through the employee self-service portal has become quite common. Traditionally, these portals are used to manage leave applications, requests, timesheets and personal data modifications, among other things.   The HRM4Baltics solution (replacing Palk365 and Personal365) […]

Retail Wholesale Logistics

Digitalisation of warehouse management. Reasons to begin today.

Source: Äri-IT Spring 2023 Author: Erki Rebane, BCS Itera Project Manager In warehouse management, digitalisation is sometimes approached too cautiously. However, the challenges are less daunting than anticipated and the benefits are greater than expected.   Companies often initiate digitalisation in areas such as purchasing or production but the greatest benefits arise from the introduction […]

Retail Wholesale Logistics

Top six B2B e-commerce trends for 2023

Source: Äri-IT Spring 2023 Author: Rauno Raid, Head of E-commerce at Finestmedia E-commerce is here to stay, but should it only be aimed at the end consumer? Absolutely not! Below we will discuss why e-commerce is also necessary in B2B transactions and explore the upcoming trends in this field.   The continuous evolution of technology coupled […]

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Customer Stories:



R-Kiosk: making convenience sustainable and sustainability convenient


Kapitel: Everything we do, we do as if for ourselves


Euronics: The ERP software system for retail, LS Central, is a good platform from which to move forward with new developments


Keila Vesi: a major change in business strategy made it necessary to change enterprise resource planning software


Cleaning Company – a Masterclass in Management


Wendre: Every IT Project is Actually a Business Project

AS Kodumaja

The case of AS Kodumaja: How timber apartment buildings rose to greet the sky

Coop Pank

Coop Pank: Our goal is to reach our targets, and IT is helping us to do it

Viru Elektrikaubandus

Viru Elektrikaubandus on switching software for the first time in almost 30 years

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